Geoscience Conference – AGU 2020

Geoscience Conference – AGU 2020
December 17, 2020 | Online | Linh Ho from the research group of Jun.-Prof. Dr. Stephanie Fiedler, presents a paper entitled "On the Impacts and Balancing Effects of Weather Extremes on Renewable Energy Power Generation in Europe". The EWI is also involved.

Linh Ho from the research group of Jun.-Prof. Dr. Stephanie Fiedler, presents a paper entitled “On the Impacts and Balancing Effects of Weather Extremes on Renewable Energy Power Generation in Europe”. The EWI is also involved.

The lecture of Linh Ho is about that Energy mix of wind and photovoltaic (PV) power can potentially reduce the day-to-day power-production variability by 29-42% within European countries. Across countries, there is less than 10% likelihood for co-occurring extremes in wind and PV power. The optimal ratio of PV power to wind plus PV power varies between 45-57% depending on the country.

More information about the authors and content can be found here.

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