Starting Conditions for the Marketing of Demand Flexibility: Status Quo Analysis and Metastudy – 2nd version

This study by EWI, Fraunhofer FIT and FIM is part of the research project SynErgie which is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research for the enabling of the energy intensive industries in Germany to adapt the demand for electricity to the increasingly fluctuating supply of electricity. This study first describes the fundamentals of electricity market design and the legal framework. The reference to the application to industrial processes is always taken and potential barriers to the participation of flexible demand processes are worked through. The analysis serves the cluster-wide information about the status quo of market structures and regulatory framework conditions. In addition, the project partners analyze scientific findings on the subject of demand flexibility and prepare them in a comprehensive meta-study.

Type of Publication: Study
Financial support: German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
Written by: Dr. Joachim Bertsch, Helena Schweter, Amelie Sitzmann
Date: December 2019
Type of Publication: Study
Financial support: German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
Written by: Dr. Joachim Bertsch, Helena Schweter, Amelie Sitzmann
Date: December 2019