rhenag Handelsforum

rhenag Handelsforum
October 25, 2021 | digital | Prof. Dr. Stephanie Fiedler speaks as a guest speaker at the "rhenag Handelsforum" and gives an insight into current research on the influence of climate change on the energy industry

The second rhenag Handesforum this year is taking place at a turbulent time for the energy market. Energy prices worldwide are rising from record high to record high, even the gas industry, which is mostly unknown to the general public, is making it onto the front page of popular daily newspapers these days.
Of course, the latest developments on the energy markets will also be the topic of the trading forum, but there will also be two guest contributions: On the one hand, Prof. Dr. Fiedler, a renowned expert in the field of meteorology, will provide insights into current research on the influence of climate change on the energy industry. On the other hand, Dr. Fahl will present the research project “CO2 pricing variants and their effect on society” of the University of Stuttgart.

rhenag Handelsforum
on Thursday, 25 October 2021
from 09:45 – 12:45 h
with MS teams

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