Coal phase-out: EWI develops methods for determining possible compensation payments for electricity intensive industries

How does the accelerated coal phase-out affect the wholesale electricity price – and how can this effect be estimated in the course of a compensation mechanism? In a new report commissioned by the WirtschaftsVereinigung Metalle e.V., scientists from EWI have developed and described three concrete methods for this purpose. In addition, they have analysed what effects the coal phase-out decided by the cabinet will have on the other electricity cost components of industrial companies.

The background to this is that both the final report of the so called coal commission and the Kohleausstiegsgesetz passed by the German Cabinet call for a compensation mechanism. This instrument is intended to compensate for possible electricity price increases that the coal phase-out may bring to the electricity intensive industry. The extent to which these compensatory measures are necessary to ensure the continued international competitiveness of German industry is not part of the report.

Type of Publication: Study
On behalf of: Wirtschaftsvereinigung Metalle e.V.
Written by: Dr. Simon Schulte, Fabian Arnold, David Schlund
Date: March 2020
Type of Publication: Study
On behalf of: Wirtschaftsvereinigung Metalle e.V.
Written by: Dr. Simon Schulte, Fabian Arnold, David Schlund
Date: March 2020