Auswirkungen einer Verschärfung der europäischen Klimaziele auf den deutschen Strommarkt

The background to this analysis is that the EU is tightening its climate target for 2030: instead of the previously planned reduction of 40 percent, a minus of 55 percent should be achieved for 2030 compared to 1990. The model-based analysis quantifies the impact of rising CO2 certificate prices on the power plant fleet, electricity generation, wholesale electricity prices and the sectoral climate target of the energy industry in Germany in 2030. A key finding is that higher certificate prices will lead to a stronger and faster market-driven decline in coal-fired power generation.

Type of Publication: Analysis
Financial support: Gesellschaft zur Förderung des Energiewirtschaftlichen Instituts an der Universität zu Köln e. V.
Written by: Max Gierkink, Michael Wiedmann, Konstantin Gruber, Martin Hintermayer
Date: March 2021
Type of Publication: Analysis
Financial support: Gesellschaft zur Förderung des Energiewirtschaftlichen Instituts an der Universität zu Köln e. V.
Written by: Max Gierkink, Michael Wiedmann, Konstantin Gruber, Martin Hintermayer
Date: March 2021