Development paths from ENSURE project – Transformation of the Energy System up to 2030

The Kopernikus project ENSURE is developing the electricity grid of the future. In order to do this, the project must first know what the energy future looks like for which it is developing the grid. For this, ENSURE has undertaken a hitherto unique attempt: With representatives of the social groups that will be most affected by the energy system transformation, the project has worked out four development paths for the energy system 2030. These initially qualitative storylines were translated into quantitative energy system scenarios in the course of the project. The model results were fed back to the stakeholders to discuss contradictions and, if necessary, make adjustments to make the development paths more consistent. The results have now been published in the brochure “Transformation of the Energy System up to the Year 2030”.

Type of Publication: Study
Financial support: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
Written by: Theresa Wildgrube
Date: April 2020
Type of Publication: Study
Financial support: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
Written by: Theresa Wildgrube
Date: April 2020