Effects of CO2 prices on the building, transport and energy sectors

In a new short study, the EWI examined the real impact of CO2 prices on private households and the overall energy system. The analysis was carried out jointly with the Institute for Future Energy Consumer Needs and Behavior (FCN) of RWTH Aachen University on behalf of E.ON SE. The FCN estimated investment and consumption decisions of private households in the transport and building sector on the basis of empirical models. On this basis, the EWI derived feedback effects of these decisions in the energy system. Thus, the effects of a CO2 price were consistently mapped in the overall system.

Type of Publication: Study
On behalf of: E.ON SE
Written by: Dr. Johannes Wagner, Oliver Hennes, Jonas Zinke, Samir Jeddi
Date: November 2019
Type of Publication: Study
On behalf of: E.ON SE
Written by: Dr. Johannes Wagner, Oliver Hennes, Jonas Zinke, Samir Jeddi
Date: November 2019