Anstieg der Strompreise im Sommer 2021

Wie Brennstoff- und Zertifikatspreise sowie die Residualnachfrage auf Großhandelsstrompreise wirken. Eine Analyse mit dem EWI Merit-Order Tool

In the first half of July 2021, more than 90 euros per megawatt hour was paid at times on the electricity exchange – the highest price since 2008. This means that prices have roughly doubled since the beginning of the year. The analysis examines which developments have led to the increase in the wholesale electricity price in 2021. Key factors are the fuel costs for hard coal and gas as well as the prices for emission certificates.

Type of Publication: Analysis
Financial support: Gesellschaft zur Förderung des Energiewirtschaftlichen Instituts an der Universität zu Köln e. V.
Written by: Eren Çam, Fabian Arnold, Konstantin Gruber
Date: July 2021
Type of Publication: Analysis
Financial support: Gesellschaft zur Förderung des Energiewirtschaftlichen Instituts an der Universität zu Köln e. V.
Written by: Eren Çam, Fabian Arnold, Konstantin Gruber
Date: July 2021