
EWI analysis of possible network tariffs for hydrogen

April 8, 2024 |

Supplying customers with hydrogen could be a building block of the energy transition. On behalf of the DVGW, the EWI has estimated the potential level of future hydrogen network tariffs in a hydrogen scenario defined by the DVGW.

EWI Insights: The future of electromobility

March 21, 2024 |

Deutschland hat bei der Vorbereitung auf E-Mobilität Aufholbedarf und die Integration von Elektrofahrzeugen ins Verteilnetz steht vor Herausforderungen. Woran das liegt und welche Lösungen es geben kann, stellen zwei Fachleute des EWI bei EWI-Insights vor.

Hydrogen networks: EWI analysis increased investment risks

March 18, 2024 |

The development of the German hydrogen core network will require billions in investment – including from the private sector. A new EWI analysis examines the challenges of the planned financing model.

EWI Merit-Order Tool: More conventional power plant capacities

March 15, 2024 |

The generation capacities of conventional power plants on the German electricity market have recently increased. An EWI analysis based on the new EWI Merit Order Tool 2023 shows why this is the case and what developments can be expected.

Sector coupling – first Strommarkttreffen in Cologne

March 13, 2024 |

The first Strommarkttreffen (Ger. electricity market meeting) at the University of Cologne, which was co-organized by the EWI, focused on the heating transition, hydrogen, and grids. The event is part of an open network of energy experts.

EWI analysis: Resilience of today’s and the future energy system

March 6, 2024 |

Energy storage systems contribute to the robustness of the German energy system. An How high this so-called resilience currently is and which storage systems a resilient, climate-neutral energy system might need shows an EWI analysis.

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